Publikationen - Netze für Erneuerbare Energien

Chris Oliver Wiebicke, Jannik Manheller, Anna Lackner,
"Entwicklung eines integralen klimaneutralen Energiekonzepts für die Ortsgemeinde Rodder -
Development of an integral climate-neutral energy concept for the village of Rodder
Projektarbeit, TH-Köln, 22.3.2023

In the project, different integral climate-neutral energy concepts for the village of Rodder are presented. The aim of the project is to analyse possible climate-neutral energy supply concepts in order to decarbonise the electricity, traffic and heat sectors. The project has shown that a significant expansion of photovoltaics in the distribution grid is only possible with battery storage. In addition, an photovoltaic ground mounted system or a wind power plant with coupled battery storage is needed to achieve a autarky rate of 100%. For a climate-neutral supply of the heating sector, a combination of solar heating, a wood chip heating plant and buffer storage is a possible solution.


> Paper: PDF-Document (0.7 MB)

> Poster: PDF-Document (0.3 MB)

> Bericht (in German) : PDF-Document (1.8 MB)


> SolAhrtal

Vorgeschlagenes Wärmenetz Rodder
Proposed heating grid in Rodder.

E.Waffenschmidt, 28.Mar.2023