Silvan Faßbender, Eberhard Waffenschmidt,
"Options for an autarkic operation of a communal power grid
using a battery and renewable energies",
12th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES
2018), Düsseldorf, 13.-15. Mar. 2018
With a growing share of renewable energy, the structure of the electrical
power grid structure should reflect their distributed nature. A cellular
grid structure would meet this demand. In case of global blackout each
cell would even be able to operate autarkic. Then, still a minimum level
of supply would be possible.
An innovative community in the north of Germany aims to pursue such
a concept. The local energy provider, Versorgungsbetriebe Bordesholm,
is planning to install a large battery (12 MWh / +/ 8 MW) to provide
control power during daily operation. In case of a global blackout it
should supply the community in combination with available energy sources.
However, the supply consisting of two biogas generators with 800 kW
each and several photovoltaic systems are not sufficient for an infinite
autarkic supply. Therefore, this publication investigates the possible
operation time for such an autarkic operation. Typical self-supply times
for this community range from 3 to 20 hours.
> Pre-Print of manuscript: PDF-Document
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> Presentation: PDF-Document
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Related contributions
Silvan Faßbender,
"Autarker Notbetrieb des Stromnetzes einer Gemeinde mit Erneuerbaren
Masterarbeit an der TH-Köln, 24.Nov.2016. .
> Celluar

Calculated period of self-sufficiency for every possible point of
time in a year (2015).